MD.SelectButton = new Class({ Implements: [Options,Events] ,options: { text: '' ,width: 'auto' ,className: '' ,properties: {} ,styles: {} ,selectMenuOptions: {} ,returnHTML: false ,changeTextOnSelect: true ,changeValueOnSelect: true ,noMenu: false // ,onSelect: function(selectedObject){} } ,initialize: function(options, optionalSelectElement){ this.setOptions(options); this.text = this.options.text; this.value = ''; this.html = new Element('div', Object.merge(, { 'class': 'MDSelectButton '+this.options.className ,styles: this.options.styles })).adopt( this.textElement = new Element('span', {html: this.text}) ,new Element('div.Arrow', {html: ' '}) ); if (this.selectMenuOptions == {}) return; this.selectMenu = new MD.SelectMenu(Object.merge(this.options.selectMenuOptions, { attachTo: this.html ,onSelect: function(selectedItem){ if (this.options.changeTextOnSelect) { this.textElement.set('html', selectedItem.text); this.text = selectedItem.text; } if (this.options.changeValueOnSelect) { this.value = selectedItem.value; } this.fireEvent('select', selectedItem); }.bind(this) })); // If the selectMenu has a pre-selected item, set the text of this button to the text of that item. if (this.selectMenu.selectedText && this.selectMenu.selectedText != '') { this.setText(this.selectMenu.selectedText); } if (this.selectMenu.value) { this.setValue(this.selectMenu.value); } if (this.options.returnHTML) return this.html; } ,getValue: function(){ return this.value; } ,setMenuData: function(dataArray){ // remove any previous selectMenu's attached to this button if (this.selectMenu) delete this.selectMenu; this.html.removeEvents(); dataArray.each(function(i) { if (i.selected) { this.textElement.set('html', i[this.options.selectMenuOptions.itemTextKey]); } }, this); this.selectMenu = new MD.SelectMenu(Object.merge(this.options.selectMenuOptions, {data:dataArray}, { attachTo: this.toElement() ,onSelect: function(selectedItem){ if (this.options.changeTextOnSelect) { this.textElement.set('html', selectedItem.text); this.text = selectedItem.text; } if (this.options.changeValueOnSelect) { this.value = selectedItem.value; } this.fireEvent('select', selectedItem); }.bind(this) })); return this; } ,selectMenuItem: function(itemObj, hidden) { this.selectMenu.selectItem(itemObj, hidden); return this; } ,setText: function(text){ // console.log('should be setting', text); if (text && typeOf(text) == 'string') { this.textElement.set('text', text); this.text = text; } else { console.error('MDSelectButton: Cannot set text - not a string'); } return this; } ,setValue: function(value){ if (value && (typeOf(value) == 'string' || typeOf(value) == 'number')) { this.value = value; this.selectMenu.value = value; } else { console.error('MDSelectButton: Cannot set value - not a string or number'); } return this; } ,getText: function(){ return this.text; } ,toElement: function(){ return this.html; } ,deactivate: function(){ this.html.setStyles({opacity:0.5, cursor:'default'}).removeEvents().removeClass('Active').addClass('Inactive'); return this; } ,activate: function(){ this.html.removeEvents(); if (!this.options.noMenu) this.selectMenu.attachTo(this.html); this.html.setStyles({opacity: 1,cursor: 'pointer'}).removeClass('Inactive').addClass('Active'); return this; } });